Mark 16:15 (NIV)

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

  • Soul Care

    - In light of the rise of self-care and our culture’s heightened awareness of the physical and nutritional practices needed to care for the body and the mind, this series invites us to embrace “soul care.” Soul care isn’t a knock against self-care, but it is a challenge for us to make caring for our inner life a higher priority. This five-week series gives us examples and direction from Scripture on how we can care for our souls and develop a deeper, richer relationship with our Lord and Savior in the process.

  • Why Church?

    We live in an increasingly individualistic society, and even in our churches there are people who find themselves comfortably disconnected from their church communities and don’t feel any deep connection with their local church or other believers. This eight-week series reminds us all why our local church matters, why gathering matters, and why coming together is vital for the Christian life.

  • Turning the Page

    As we turn the page on this year and head into the next, the new opportunities a new year offers us as believers are immense. Whether looking around in mentorship, looking back through scripture, looking within through our personal grit, or looking forward to Heaven, we can develop high-quality habits in ourselves as we turn the pages of Scripture to find our place in the powerful story of God.

  • To The Church Of

    I wonder if Paul were alive today, if the church of America would receive a letter. The apostle Paul wrote many letters to different churches in his day. This eight-week series is an overview of Paul’s epistles to four of these churches. Each week will look at a different passage to one of these churches and see how it can also apply to the church today.

  • Unstoppable

    This four-week series examines the remarkable spread of the gospel and the kingdom of God from Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the world. Jesus has commissioned every one of his followers to be his witness by the power of the Holy Spirit. And despite challenges from outside and within, the kingdom of God continues to advance. Today, we continue to be his witnesses and have a vital role in the continuing story of Jesus’s unstoppable kingdom.

  • A Different Perspective

    The Gospel of John shows us the life and ministry of Jesus from a different perspective than the other gospel writers. Consistency is great, but hearing from other perspectives on any particular topic is just as important. Over the next 5 weeks, we will review Biblical topics such as the Incarnation, Love, Worship, Communion, and our Eternal Security, but from different voices in our church leadership. Various members of our staff and eldership will give the messages each week as we look at the Gospel of John from "A Different Perspective."

  • Come Follow Me

    We are starting a brand new series today, called “Come, Follow Me.” Mark was the youngest biographer of Jesus who had a string of failures in his ministry resume. But he never quit so that by the end of his life both Peter and Paul considered him a spiritual son. He embedded Jesus’ best advice on how to achieve success in life the moment Jesus told him to Come, Follow Me.

  • Heavy

    This four-week series tackles tough topics that we read in the rest of the book of Matthew. It wasn’t simply the Sermon on the Mount that has a lot of deep questions and reality we need to consider in Matthew. When we talk about our identity, election, ultimate realities, and global mission, there are some heavy choices we have to make

  • The Good Life

    The Sermon on the Mount was and is the most influential speech in human history with no close second. Multiple times in this single speech Jesus dropped a bombshell that altered religious thought. Each week we will look at one of those revolutionary statements that literally changed the course of history. This five-week series redefines what makes up The Good Life, when seen through the eyes of faith.

  • Easter Eggs

    In addition to being a decorated or plastic egg, an “Easter Egg” is an unexpected feature in a piece of computer software, a video game, or on a DVD, often included as a bonus to the viewer if you look closely enough. This 4-week series will look at the hidden “Easter Eggs” or prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament, and what they mean for the Easter story today. This series uncovers the great rescue plan Heaven had for humanity all along—one Easter Egg at a time.

  • Jesus In The Psalms

    In the center of the bible is the book of Psalms, or songs. They cover a wide range of styles, moods, moments, and even instruments because they are the soundtrack of our spiritual lives. Embedded in these songs are some of the deepest truths AND some of the highest promises pointing to Jesus.

  • Set Apart

    We all want to feel special. We love being chosen; we need to feel valued. This series explores what God looks for in the people he chooses and how you can be part of his inner circle. The biographies of Moses,Saul, and David offer strategic insights for your best life.

  • Genesis

    Welcome to the new year! Throughout 2024, we will be going through CORE 52 and the verses that we believe to be so vitally important to the story of the whole Bible! These next four weeks we will be in the series of Genesis, talking about Creation, our Identity, the Fall of mankind, and God’s Covenant with us.

  • Christmas List

    This four-week series examines the nativity story and how we should view our priorities during the Christmas season. Through understanding the context and characters, we will see the importance of adjusting our list of priorities, prioritizing others, and rethinking our time. We’ll also be reminded that the Christian virtues presented in the Christmas season should be normal for Christians throughout the year.

  • Out With The Old?

    This four-part series helps Christian readers of the Bible reconcile the Old Testament with the New. It also helps the congregation answer questions like: As New Covenant believers, should we disregard the Old Testament completely? Do we just pick and choose what parts to stick with?

  • Endure

    This five-week series explores the truth that Paul told his protégé Timothy. Through understanding Timothy’s faithful heritage, conviction of doctrinal truth, scriptural integrity, and willingness to go against worldliness, Paul reveals how Timothy is strong and faithful to God. And we can learn some lessons from Timothy in how we ourselves can remain strong, and endure life’s challenges.

  • Stop The Scroll

    This three-week series invites us to practice the discipline of healthy rest. Often, we find ourselves mindlessly scrolling on our devices or distracting ourselves in some other way when what we need is permission to rest. We will learn what resting in the presence of Jesus looks like.

  • Ephesians

    Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus is divided into six chapters of life-changing truth. Starting with Paul’s description of God’s salvation plan from the foundation of the world and leading all the way to the armor of God, there is great wisdom all throughout this letter. I want you to join me over this journey through the book of Ephesians and challenge yourself to keep coming back, to see where Christ moves us from Death to Life.

  • Easter Sunday 2023

    This stand-alone message for Easter Sunday unpacks and drives home Jesus’s claim (and the evidence for it): “I am the resurrection and the life.”

  • Palm Sunday

    This standalone message is designed to be used on Palm Sunday—the day set aside to remember Jesus’ Triumphal Entry and the beginning of Holy Week. By telling the story of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, this message challenges listeners to wonder if their self-righteousness and pride is keeping them from recognizing and participating in God’s work.

  • Binge Reading the Bible

    This seven-week series focuses on how God reveals his will and desires for humankind through each specific section of the Bible. Each genre, including the Pentateuch, Historical Books, Wisdom Literature, the Prophets, the Gospels, the Epistles, and Apocalyptic Literature, provides a unique and special way God has communicated throughout history and helps us understand the Bible as a whole. This series is a great way to help your people to dig into the library of the Bible, helping them to understand its beauty and relevance for today.

  • Staycation

    This five-week “Staycation” sermon series reminds us that we don’t have to go across the world to serve God. Being on mission doesn’t require airfare or luggage. While mission trips can be beneficial, often the greatest ministry a person can have is in their own community. “Staycation” encourages the church to serve and love others right where they are and to view life’s interruptions as opportunities, like Jesus did.

  • Living Stones

    This single-week New Year’s sermon focuses on Joshua 4, where the Israelites cross the Jordan River into the promised land and set up twelve memorial stones. We look back to remember God’s faithfulness in the past year, and we look forward to consider how we can trust him this coming year.

  • Christmas Playlist

    This four-week series tells the Christmas story through a topical lens. Jesus’s birth was the catalyst for the believer to find hope in difficult times, true belonging, peace, and eternal heart change through a right relationship with God. Each week, a popular Christmas song will be used as an illustration of the passage and the sermon’s big idea.

  • Too Much: Living With Less In The Land Of More

    One of the subjects Jesus spoke most often about was wealth. Join us over the next four weeks as we talk about getting real “profit” by following God’s prescription in our lives.

  • The 7 Sins of Surburbia

    This 7-week series examines the seven deadly sins by looking at seven common temptations facing the modern Western Christian. Temptations look like comfort, convenience, control, complacency, comparison, consumerism, and conceit knock on our door daily. What will we choose: the way of Christ or the way of self.

  • The Bridge

    This 3-week journey is about helping GFCC build a strong bridge of connection to each other to help one another go deeper in their faith through practicing trust in God. The last week will culminate in the launch of our Connection Groups for the fall and winter seasons.

  • Nehemiah- Rise and Build

    Big Idea of the Series: This four-week sermon series over the book of Nehemiah tells the story of Israel’s rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. Despite hardship and pain, the people of Israel saw firsthand how God fulfilled His promises spoken to Jeremiah during the exile. And God now invites all of us to participate in rebuilding His kingdom internally and externally.

  • What's In It For Me?

    Big Idea of the Series: This four-week series explores Matthew, Chapter 6, and how we can use some spiritual disciplines from Jesus’ sermon on the mount. Through understanding the biblical purposes of giving, prayer, fasting, and trust, we can mature as believers and serve God not because of what we get out of it but because of what God can do through us.

  • The Go Plan

    Big Idea of the Series: This 6-week sermon series shares what it means to GO. Whether is it is to Go Out into the community, Go With our next generation, or Go Deep in our own faith, join us as we talk about how we can grow and make a difference.

  • The Rescue: Easter Sunday 4/17/2022

    This stand-alone message for Easter Sunday unpacks and drives home Jesus’s claim (and the evidence for it): “I am the resurrection and the life.” -- Where do you stand in your walk of faith today?

  • Heroes of Faith: 2/5 - 4/3/2022

    Big Idea of the Series: This 9-week sermon series invites us into the stories of some of the great men and women of faith in the Bible. Though they struggled, doubted, and even failed, their lives stand as testimonies of the love and faithfulness of God.

  • Identity: 1/1 - 1/23/2022

    Big Idea of the Series: This four-week series reminds us that our identity is found in Christ. When we understand our story through the lens of His story, we naturally view ourselves and others differently. Scripture shows us who we are and what we are meant for, including the identity of our church!

  • Home for Christmas: 12/11 - 12/26/2021

    Big Idea of the Series: This three-week Christmas evangelistic sermon series focuses on the need to “come home” through Jesus Christ. Along the way, the series explores the reason why people desire to be home, stops to recognize the way to come home, and looks forward to our eternal homecoming.

  • The Greatest Month of Generosity Ever: 11/13 - 12/5/2021

    Big Idea of the Series: This four-week series examines the biblical understanding of generosity. By looking at the character of God, the good Samaritan, the widow’s offering, and Paul’s encouragement to give generously, we will see that God wants us to be generous in all areas of our life.

  • Without A King: 10/2 - 11/7/2021

    Big Idea of the Series: This six-week series will walk through the book of Judges. What happens to a society when everyone feels they can do whatever they want? Though Judges can be dark, it will also lead us to yearn for a loving King who gives order and meaning to life: Jesus Christ.

  • Real Mature: 9/18 - 9/26/2021

    Big Idea of the Series: This two-week series for youth uses the fruit of the Spirit as a test for spiritual maturity and potential growth. When looked at as a cohesive list, the fruit of the Spirit describe Jesus himself. And as one star forms an even more majestic picture with other stars in a constellation, so the spiritual fruits listed in Galatians 5 form a grand picture of Christlikeness.

  • Standalone Messages

    Watch all of our Standalone or Guest Preaching here!