What is my Next Step?
Starting the Journey
Over the next 3 years, we are hoping to accomplish the following metric: That every believer at GFCC spiritually self-assesses where they are at right now, knows their next step, AND takes their next step in becoming like Jesus. And this is hard! Why? Because there are a seemingly endless amount of steps and avenues to take! There are so many ways we can grow in our faith. And in a weird way, because there are so many options, so few take any options at all. We all have to start the journey at some point. As you scroll through these steps, take a note and remember where you are at, and if there are any steps along the way that you may have missed. This is GFCC’s Discipleship Pathway and our journey of faith. And to begin, we have to start the journey.
Brandon Rukes
Senior Pastor
Step 1: Attend a Service
What to Expect
You can expect friendly and authentic people, engaging and relevant music and worship, compelling preaching from the Bible, and an opportunity to encounter God. You can expect to find a place where creativity and fellowship come together to worship God in new and exciting ways. You can expect to be encouraged, challenged, convicted, excited and, most importantly, welcomed. We celebrate every week with worship, a message based out of scripture, and communion as a family.
Dress attire is come as you are. We do not require you to come in business formal or business casual wear. Instead, dress as you normally would, so you can be comfortable as you walk in to service.
At your 1st Visit – Grab a GFCC Go Bag!
Your very first step is to get a welcome bag from the connection center and come back! Fill out the connection card so we can get in touch. And who knows? Maybe you might receive a sweet treat this next week! And then keep coming back. Don’t let the enemy distract you or convince you that you’re too busy for church. Keep experiencing the loving family here at GFCC. Keep learning about our great God through worship and the message.
Step 2: Get introduced!
If you have come now for a couple services, now would be a great time to get introduced after service to key staff and volunteers. You can do this one of two ways. (1) Find us after the service and introduce yourselves. Or (2) Join us for a “Meet The Family” get-together each quarter. This is your first true step.
Step 3: Keep coming back!
Now that you know us and a little about us, continue to observe regular attendance in worship and GFCC Events. Acts 2:42 – They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. They were devoted to the apostles teaching… This is why they lived out everything else! Devotion takes time. And intentionality. The Devil looks for a weak link. So it is so important to observe regular attendance both for encouragement and protection.
Step 4: Discover spiritual gifts
The next step in your walk with Jesus is to discover your spiritual gifts & navigate our volunteer opportunities. Join us for a “Connect With the Family” class each quarter. And this can be repeated whenever you feel called! So don’t think that if you have been here for a while you can’t join us. If you haven’t found your gift yet or would like to clarify what God has gifted you with, this is your next step.
Step 5: Explore GFCC’s Beliefs
Explore GFCC’s Beliefs by taking our membership class. We will have a “Join the Family” once a quarter. We want to clearly lay out our discipleship pathway with all the steps you might be taking in your faith journey. The Join the Family class will also talk about what it looks like to be a disciple of Christ, and how that should change our lives.
Step 6: Eradicate your old life
Eradicate your old life through Baptism (by immersion if not done). Acts 2:38 – Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
We believe that one accepts God's offer of salvation by grace when you:
Believe that Jesus died for your sins (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Repent of sin and turn to God for forgiveness (Acts 2:38)
Publicly confess your faith in Christ (Romans 10:9-10)
Are baptized by immersion for the forgiveness of your sins (Acts 2:38)
If you would like to take this next step of faith, we would love to talk with you! Email our Senior Pastor at brandon@gfcc.net today!
Step 7: Practice trust in God
Practice trusting in God daily. You can start by becoming a recurring giver (any amount). Text any amount to 84321 to give to GFCC. Download the app and set up a recurring gift. What you give helps us accomplish the mission and vision of this church.